About us.
Welcome to the arena of un-usuals!
There is a purpose for existence! There is a purpose for living!
We celebrate Jesus here. HE is the source of our existence...
and a purpose for our living! There are three basic things we do...
*We CONNECT people with His LOVE!
The ministry started on September 20th 1992 in Nigeria, West Africa.
Reaching the world with message of comfort, hope and lifting through prophetic prayer, teaching and crusade ministries. The concept of Olu Fred Ministries includes the following:
* Power House Chapel International
* Glorie Christliche Führungs Akademie( Formerly: Glory Christian Seminary)
* International Ministers Network
* Fellowship of Charismatic Bishops and Apostles International
* Nigeria For Christ Fellowship
* OFMI Crisis Foundations.
* Raising ultimate Christ-centered generation of Believers and Leaders
* Giving people PURPOSE for living by Discovering, Developing, and Deploying God's given Potentials.
* By consciously and conscientiously fulfilling Great Commission / World Mission.
* Re-instating quality communion of the Holy Spirit.
* Restoring lost marital and family glories.
Is to see souls turned to Christ Jesus from crisis; People touched with His love and leaders raised, nourished and deployed into the harvest. We do all these by His grace at all cost. We believe in the urgency involved in the work. We don't wait for the time, we only tell the time where it should go. We don't worship materials, but He sends the required materials to the work. Our duty is to see but He gives.
Bishop Olu Fred Kehinde. Born in Nigeria. Attended many higher institutions and bagged Doctorate Degree in Divinity. Pastored in Nigeria since 1992 and presently lives with in Germany and takes the gospel of Jesus across the nations of the world.
The Bishop
Happily married. God has blessed him richly. Bishop is presently taking UNCHANGING GOD-crusades across Europe and Africa as a whole. Bishop said, "every act of grace is a product of Faith, and every
act of faith is a product of shame."
He believed in offensive revivals and hunt for the losts at all cost. He is a man with un-stoppable grace anointed to bring PURPOSE to PURSUITS. He pressed to get the gospel preached and he said: "... if you dare for nuttin, you will die for nuttin."
Doors for the gospel proclamation are opening daily and Jesus is confirming His words with signs and wonders.
********MIRACLE still HAPPEN!********
I love send you a free prayer
cloth/ anointed oil to connect
His Healing and breakthroughs.
If you have a sickness/ailment, or trusting
Him for a touch. Just call or e-mail!
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Stay at the TOP, Bottom is too CROWDED!!!
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